Friday was my day off work so I could be home with the kiddos. He're a cute pic of Madi watering the bark.

Our family went hiking over the weekend with some friends. When we first arrived, I spotted a moose up high on the mountain. As you can see, it's just a little one.

Madi climbed the mountain, experienced seeing her footprint in the snow, and recognized moose poop.
Mike and Chris set up a bait site for bear. Jolene, Ryker and Tyson I'm sure had a wonderful hike too. Madi, Gabe and I headed up the rear so I'm not sure what they up to. I loved this tree...crazy...

After the hike the fam went for ice cream at Leatherby's. It was such a great evening.
Sunday,we went back up to the hills for a picnic. Again, our friends were nice enough to come with us. The drive was nice, minus the flat tire and the cost of fuel. When we were getting things ready to go Madi insisted we take a blanket to sit on while we ate lunch. I didn't know she knew that a blanket was part of a picnic ensemble. I was simply amazed.

Are you being shy?...It's OK, we're nice people.
Madi said a few other cute things, but I'm not sure they would be appropriate for just anyone to read so I won't share them. Boy do kids say the darnedest things.
The trip was nice it was beautiful, I only wish it hadn't been so windy. Oh, and I wish that Madi didn't get car sick...
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