Thursday, May 8, 2008

Expect something greater....

I'm hoping to get a new computer this week or purchase some additional RAM for the one I already have, so hopefully you can expect better posts, pictures, etc. You see, we have a computer we purchased ohh five years ago. Of course, to me it still seems relatively new, but I'm no techi. It was great for what we were using it for (not much). We had cancelled our Internet because we didn't feel like it was a justifyable expense. I have the Internet at work, Mike has the Internet at work, my parents have the Internet and my in-laws have the Internet and so we did not have a REAL need for it at home. We even went as far as taking the computer to my in-laws, so we could use it there and not tie up their computer when we did use the Internet. Last fall I loaded Photoshop Elements 6, because I thought I might do some digital scrapbooking and improve upon this here blog. I had thought my computer was great, after all it was new, wasn't it, it was meeting all of my needs. Well NO, it takes me all day to do something simple - so after a great deal of thought, it's time to get a new one. YEAH ME!!! Anyway, hopefully I can meet my expectations; maybe add a cutesy little header here and maybe even do a little digi scappin now and then. In fact, I'm already working on meeting some greater expections. I've started working on several posts. It is my hope by starting early that I can post more frequently.

1 comment:

melbel said...

I just figured out I don't have your email address to add onto our blog! Email me at melbelmiller and I'll add you, if you don't mind. I actually asked for photoshop elements for Mother's Day so I can do some fun stuff on it. Can't wait to see what's to come for you and your family! :)
-Melanie (Mike's cousin)