Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Potty Training.....
Well it's begun. We've started potty training Madi, or should I say my mother, bless her heart, has started training Madi. I called not too long ago and asked about the progress. My mom didn't know how she should count the number of accidents.
I asked Madi if she went potty in the toilet, her response: "No, but I put the poop in the potty."
Madi asked my mom for new panties because hers got wet when she put the "poop in the potty". Madi had mysteriously disappeared, taken off her panties, and placed the "poop in the potty". Some how, she did not make a mess in the transfer, well except for a little toilet water on her panties.
So my question: Does this little incident count as one, two, three or just one-half?
Friday, May 23, 2008
A header...
I'm not sure why I though putting a header on this blog was so hard. I created this header last fall, but couldn't figure out how to get it uploaded. A little late, but here it is anyway.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hiking -- May 16, 2008
Friday was my day off work so I could be home with the kiddos. He're a cute pic of Madi watering the bark.

Our family went hiking over the weekend with some friends. When we first arrived, I spotted a moose up high on the mountain. As you can see, it's just a little one.

Madi climbed the mountain, experienced seeing her footprint in the snow, and recognized moose poop.
Mike and Chris set up a bait site for bear. Jolene, Ryker and Tyson I'm sure had a wonderful hike too. Madi, Gabe and I headed up the rear so I'm not sure what they up to. I loved this tree...crazy...

After the hike the fam went for ice cream at Leatherby's. It was such a great evening.
Sunday,we went back up to the hills for a picnic. Again, our friends were nice enough to come with us. The drive was nice, minus the flat tire and the cost of fuel. When we were getting things ready to go Madi insisted we take a blanket to sit on while we ate lunch. I didn't know she knew that a blanket was part of a picnic ensemble. I was simply amazed.

Are you being shy?...It's OK, we're nice people.
Madi said a few other cute things, but I'm not sure they would be appropriate for just anyone to read so I won't share them. Boy do kids say the darnedest things.
The trip was nice it was beautiful, I only wish it hadn't been so windy. Oh, and I wish that Madi didn't get car sick...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A bagel...
We cannot get out the door in the morning without a bagel. If Madi can't have pancakes and sausage for breakfast, she wants her bagel. I just don't have time in the mornings to fix pancakes and sausage, so a bagel has to work. Madi loves them, and she likes them best when her dad makes them. Every morning this week, she has had a bagel. We start with a whole wheat bagel and place it in the toaster. When it's done toasting we add butter and strawberry jam. I say we because Madi helps push down the bagel in the toaster and she helps spread the jam. We then cut it in half and put it in a sandwich bag. The sandwich bag is a must, because if I let her start eating it before we get her dressed or out the door, it takes three times as long to do anything. Madi is the slowest eater. Besides that, we would have a mess before we even got the day started. Madi likes to carry the bag with the bagel and that makes Gabe mad. He wants a treat too and lets you know that all the way to the sitters. You see, he likes bagels too.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
We made it to the cabin last night. The road was muddy and snow is still piled around the cabin, but we got there. We were one of the first to be on the road since it was plowed.
Madi was so excited to go to the cabin. We told her that we might not be able to get there because of snow so she made a plan: "I will dig and kick, mom you push." That is how we were going to get rid of the snow so we could make it to the cabin. I'm so glad I didn't end up pushing, it would not have been pretty. I wish I had pictures to post, but of course, as usual, I forgot my camera. We are hoping to head up that way again this weekend so I promise I won't forget the camera.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
On Saturday we had our fist experience with a child emergency. It was such a nice day and the kids had been outside working in our yard all day. We went to grandma Valerie's and the kids played outside with their cousins. All four kids, grandma, and grandpa soaked, actually splashed, in the hot tub. Madi and Gabe got out and were headed inside to change back into their clothes. Madi forgot her towel, I called her back, and when she turned on the tile floor, she slipped and fell on a ceramic bowl. She began to cry, but it didn't sound like much was wrong. I tried to help her up, but I was holding Gabe. When I reached down, I noticed her leg was bleeding. I called for Mike. Mike picked her up and took her into the bathroom to clean-up her leg. He determined she might need stitches. We changed her clothes and headed to Idaho Falls to Redicare. There was a small piece of glass in the cut, so they took x-rays to see how deep it might be. They took the glass out, and gave use the choice of 3 stitches or superglue. We chose the superglue route. I'm not sure that was the best way to go, because on Sunday when the band-aid came off, so did all the glue. We could have taken Madi back to Redicare to have her leg stitched, but we chose to use a butterfly bandaid and newskin. So far it's working. I was so proud of Madi, she did not make one peep when the doctor or nurses were checking out the cut, she was so brave. Madi even talked with the doctor. I would post a picture of her leg, but I don't have one, but here's a cute one to boot. (picture taken 3/26/08)

Friday, May 9, 2008
Madi's Favorite Cookie
Earlier this week, I made chocolate chip cookies. Madi loves cookies and about 75 percent of the time, she asks for a chocolate chip cookie, so of course I thought they were her favorite. I was wrong. I asked her if chocolate chip were her favorite cookies and she said "No, my favorite are OREOS".

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Expect something greater....
I'm hoping to get a new computer this week or purchase some additional RAM for the one I already have, so hopefully you can expect better posts, pictures, etc. You see, we have a computer we purchased ohh five years ago. Of course, to me it still seems relatively new, but I'm no techi. It was great for what we were using it for (not much). We had cancelled our Internet because we didn't feel like it was a justifyable expense. I have the Internet at work, Mike has the Internet at work, my parents have the Internet and my in-laws have the Internet and so we did not have a REAL need for it at home. We even went as far as taking the computer to my in-laws, so we could use it there and not tie up their computer when we did use the Internet. Last fall I loaded Photoshop Elements 6, because I thought I might do some digital scrapbooking and improve upon this here blog. I had thought my computer was great, after all it was new, wasn't it, it was meeting all of my needs. Well NO, it takes me all day to do something simple - so after a great deal of thought, it's time to get a new one. YEAH ME!!! Anyway, hopefully I can meet my expectations; maybe add a cutesy little header here and maybe even do a little digi scappin now and then.
In fact, I'm already working on meeting some greater expections. I've started working on several posts. It is my hope by starting early that I can post more frequently.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Part of the Plan
I am an avid blog reader, and have a long list of blogs I frequent daily. The majority of the blogs I love checking relate to scrapbooking and Ali Edwards' blog tops my list. If you haven't checked it out, here's the link Ali is full of inspirational ideas and today's post hit the spot for me. I have been thinking a lot about how important it is for each of us to make a personal record of our lives. I struggle at putting my thoughts and feelings into words and am placing that on the top of my list of personal goals and I will certainly make it a point to put my stories into my layouts.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Someone light a fire under my feet. I have a to-do list in mind that includes things I want to do with my house, my yard, and goals for me personally. I guess the first thing to do is write it down. I know all this sounds easy, but for some reason I can't make myself do it. It's not that hard....come on.

Anyway, it has been so nice to have good weather the last several days. The kids can't get enough of the outdoors, and I don't blame them. I guess that leads me back to my problem, I have so much yard work to do, that is just seems overwhelming.....JUST DO IT....

OK - here's the deal. I'm going to write out my to-do list. That's it, I'll start with that and let you know when it's done. I'll take this one step at a time.
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