Madi is now using her hockey stick. It looks awkward, and I'm sure feels just as awkward as it looks, but
Madi thinks it's pretty neat. She even spent 10 minutes or so hitting a puck around.

At the end of practice when they open the "gate" to the ice, the kids pile out.
Madi is a
veeerrrrrryyyyy slow skater, but she is so excited to be doing everything herself. All of the kids were piling out the "gate" and she was still in the middle of the rink. I could see the panic in her face and tears start to come on. One of the coaches stopped to help her, but she insisted she skate by herself. I had my
suspicions as to what was going on. Mike thought she had been hit by a puck. Sure enough, when she came off the ice, I asked her. Her response: "I thought I was too late." The poor thing thought the
Zamboni was going to run her over. The
Zamboni spreads a new sheet of ice after practice. We assured her that no one would let her be run over by the
Zamboni and told her the
Zamboni driver would even watch out so no one would be run over.

Gabe likes hockey practice too. He climbs up and down the bleachers and tries to run around the rink; but his favorite part about hockey practice.....RING POPS. It's the only thing that keeps him under control.

He also likes to play with his
BFF Tyson.

Tyson likes ring pops too.
What a cute story! The poor little thing! That is great that she is sticking with it!
Poor Madi. I can imagine thinking you're going to get run over by the Zamboni!
Madi, your my hero. It would take me a year to ice-skate without cracken my head open.
And Gabe your the man! U show that ring sucker how's boss.
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