Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
I love to play games with family and friends. Every year Grandma Valerie adds to the collection of games at Christmas. This year she added a few the kids like to play.
First Zingo-
It's a lot like Bingo and the kids love it.
Stare!!! I have to admit Madi is much better at it than I am. It's a memory game and can be a lot of fun.

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Meal Planning
It's time to be responsible adults. Let's see - for 10 1/2 years Mike and I have been arguing about what's for dinner. It's over.........
We are planning a menu. This week was a success and life was much simpler.
This is what we had:
Monday - Spaghetti and Salad
Tuesday - Parmesan Fish, Asparagus, Corn
Wednesday: Chicken Casserole, Broccoli, Rice
Thursday: Steak, Potatoes, Green Beans
Friday: Pork Chops, Applesauce, Rice, Corn
We love the corn we froze from our garden last fall. It's amazing.

Friday, January 23, 2009
Hockey Practice

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Yesterday was Great Grandma Johnson's 80th birthday and they celebrated last Saturday. Mike and Grandma Valerie and Grandpa Noal took the kids to Utah for the party.
(I would have taken more pictures of Gabe, but he was too anxious to get in the car)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
It seems that everyone has made New Year resolutions, some small or large, some simple and many resolutions with greater purposes in mind. Many of you fellow blogger/scrappers have been inspired to take on the challenge of Project 365.
I read about enjoying the processes of life and/or projects here and here, and felt inspired.
And then.... I read a cousins blog about her plan for the new year:
My "aha" moment came when this thought popped into my mind: Give each day a purpose. I don't want life to just happen, waiting for Jesse to return so I can continue living. I want to be productive, having daily goals engaged in service for others or even for myself. Some days, my only purposeful action may be to get dressed with make-up on. Other days, my purpose might be to take the kids to the zoo or indoor pool or nearby park to make memories with them. Some days, my purpose might be to make a healthy dinner, even if I know I might be the only one eating it. While on other days, I'll want to do family service projects with my young kidlings to teach them how much more there is to life. I think I may come back to this idea of giving each and every day a purpose when life starts to snowball out of control and I want that control back. It gives me focus with flexibility, and I'm really excited and curious to see what I can make of 2009!!!
Boy was I inspired. So this year I hope to combine all three. I know Project 365 is out of my reach and not likely attainable, but I can make every effort to participate in the concept and make it a point to celebrate the everyday happenings by documenting what goes on daily in our lives. I always enjoy the process of cooking, crafting, scrapbooking and I sure as heck enjoy the beginning processes of the laundry better then the putting away step. This year, I want to try and include the processes when documenting my families life. I hope by doing this, it will help accentuate the purpose of family, love, friendship and making a home.
First step - TAKE PICTURES - I get in such a bad habit of leaving the camera put away. In fact, I pulled it out of the closet on Thursday for the first time since Christmas.
In these pictures, Gabe and Madi are eating a quick morning snack before we head out the door. Poppy seed muffins - lately it's been a peanut butter and honey or peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Sometimes Madi will through in the ever faithful bagel with strawberry jam. Of course, Gabe has been loving bananas, and the banana would certainly be his number one choice. I can't keep them in stock.
The reason they are not looking at the camera you ask.....watching cartoons.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Christmas Recap
A few cute stories: Dad took the kids Christmas shopping with him. They each got to pick out what they wanted to give Mom for Christmas. When they got home they sent Mom to her room so they could wrap presents downstairs. Mom deviated from her room and was found in the kitchen when Madi came upstairs with her gift to Mom. Madi was very upset and told Mom to get back in her room so that they could wrap presents. She was sure to tell Mom that "It is a secret, and you have to be in your room." Later Mom thanked Madi for getting her a present and Madi spouted "It's a spatula". The best part was the look on her face. She put her hands to her face and gasped. She had just spoiled the surprise. The secret was broken. She still says she is not very good at keeping secrets.
Madi woke up several mornings and had to check her stocking to see if anything was left for her. Many nights she checked outside to see if she could spot Rudolph.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Broken Promises
I can't believe it's been a month since my last post. Nor can I believe that Christmas has come and gone. I really had the best of intentions when I promised recipes and a post all about Gabe, but unfortunately time got the best of me. I actually took time to enjoy the holidays and to spend time with my family and at the last minute a cleanup from a flooded basement. And now.....we are back to work and of course I am making up for the time I took off, but it was worth it to be with my family.
So, with that said, I plan on posting those recipes and compiling a post all about Gabe plus so much more in the year to come.
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