Last week Madi made a little progress learning to skate.
She was so funny in the car on the way to practice. She told me, "Mom I don't want the blue helmets to help me, I only want the guy with the mustache." I asked "Madi, why do you like the guy with the mustache?" I didn't remember anybody with a mustache from the prior practice and I was confused about the blue helmets. She said "The guy with the mustache is so SMILEY." When we arrived at the rink - I knew what she ment.
The guy with the mustache, wore a white helmet and indeed was smiley. Most of the other coaches had on blue helmets. Three different coaches helped Madi last weekend. I am so impressed with how patient, helpful, and sincerly nice all of the volunteers are.
Madi CAN skate with just a bucket when she wants, but I think she gets nervous when someone isn't right next to her helping. She would freeze, when her helper would skate away to help someone else.
I did witness that Madi can skate with just a bucket for at least about 20 feet. It's progress. We need to work with her at home a little bit more.
wow where do you even buy hockey stuff that small...we have not even started T-ball yet
so what can you do to work with her at home? thinking of installing an ice rink in the backyard or basement?
that little hockey stuff is hilarious! she is so little! i'll have to show the boys, they will be so jealous!!!
I love the story! Kids are hilarious. At least she likes it and hasn't refused to go back!!! She looks soo adorable!
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