This morning in the car on the way to the sitter, Madi piped up and said:
"Mom that man just said it was July - that means it's my birthday!"
If you could have heard the excitement in her voice, you would know just how happy she was to know that it is her birthday. It's too bad I had to burst her bubble and remind her that today is the 1st and her birthday isn't until July 22. Needless to say she still can't wait.
I am so proud of my little Madi. I think it's safe to say that she is completely potty trained. She even sleeps in her underwear at night - and hasn't had an accident in over a week. Her last accident was a night-time bed wetting incident. It is so nice to only have one in diapers now.
WAY TO GO MADI!!! Check out those Curious George undies.

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