It was fun to see and hear the excitement in Madi's voice; when we entered the hospital she began calling out for her new cousin. "Riland, where are you...my new cousin Riland, where are you?"
The weather was so nice this weekend and the kids were able to play outside. Gabe loved it and it was great to get outdoors. Gabe becomes more and more independent (if that's possible) everyday. He demands to walk to the car and once he's unbuckled from his car seat he's on his own again.
I'm so disappointed in the weather. There was snow on the ground when we woke up. I'm so ready for snow.
Oh...Is it cute or inappropriate when your two year old daughter responds to your instructions with "yes your Majesty"?
I don't know, but it is entirely appropriate for your husband to address you as your majesty. I've been trying to get Mike to address me as "Your Royal Wifeness" for years, but no luck.
So cute, your majesty!!! I've been trying to get mine to say "Mother Dear" So far only Naomi will say it, and Conner only when he wants something.
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