This was
Madi's first time running in an organized race. She was excited and nervous. I was impressed at the great job she did. She was so excited to see so many other kids that she knew from church, school and others she plays with.
Madi spent most of the race watching other people. She thought it was cool that someone was riding piggy back.

She wondered why runner 74 was crying (she cried the entire race).

She was excited to see her mom.

And now she's taking to her cousin.

But she did it and had a great time.

Dawn was at the finish and
Madi couldn't have been more delighted to see her.
1 comment:
Lettie....I don't think you know me but I found your blog off Sherelle's!! Your hubby might know my son Justin Russell from football and we love your mom! Or ya might know one of my sisters, Mandie or Stephanie Carter....any whoo we live here in Shelley and I was looking through your blog {which is super cute by the way} and your Tater Trot post caught my eye...#74 is my little girl!!! She was surprised to see herself and for the life of me I don't know why she started to cry!!! I don't think she was even off the starting line before she started crying!!! And I asked her why she was crying after she had finished she said she didn't know why!!! I just thought it was funny!!! You got some good pictures of her!!! Made us both laugh!! Even looking at them now she said..."why was I crying"?!! Silly girl!!! Thanks for letting me drop by!! You have a beautiful family!!! Chris Russell
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