Monday, February 16, 2009

Hockey Dancer

Madi was a star at hockey practice. No she didn't score any goals or have a great save, but boy did she have the moves. They turned up the music and she had a ball showing off her stuff. She was an ice dancer in hockey gear and she had a crowd cheering her on. After Madi finished her routine to Mickey Mouse's hot dog dance music, her crowd cheered her on. Of course you would expect nothing else but a bow and "thank you, thank you". I about died laughing. It was as cute as cute could be. On a side note, she did get up all by herself five times. It was the motivation to get back on her feet so she could finish her hot dog dance that got her up the first time, but it was sure the motivation she needed. Whatever works right. She really has come a long way this season.

1 comment:

Lori Jolley said...

Cute, cute! I can just imagine her!