Friday, December 21, 2007
A- Attached or single?: Attached for almost 10 years
B- Best Friend: Mike, he's always there for me, even if it's not always a willing ear.
C- Cake or Pie: Pie - Pie, if your talking my mother-in law's cherry pie
D- Day of choice: Friday, it's the start of the weekend
E- Essential Item: blow dryer
F- Favorite Color: I don't have one
G- Gummy Bears or Worms: worms
H- Hometown: Shelley, Idaho (it's where I have lived the longest)
I- Indulgence(s): Food and scrapbooking
J- January or July: July, I enjoy spending time camping.
K- Kid(s): Madi (2), Gabe (1)
L- Life is Incomplete Without: Family.
M- Marriage Date: July 22, 1998
N- Number of Siblings: 4 - 1 sister, 3 brothers
O- Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: getting in a serious car accident
Q- Quote(s): ....
R- Reason To Smile: House is clean, project complete, kids and husband are happy.
S- Season: Fall - I love sweat shirt weather.
T- Tag others +: I'm not sure I know of anybody who hasn't already been tagged.
U - Unknown Fact About Me: ?????
V- Vegetarian or Meat Eater: Meat - beef, chicking, pork, fish, you name it I like it.
W- Worst Habit: procrastinating.
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds .
Y- Your Favorite Food: It changes, but comfort foods top my list.
Z- Zodiac: Virgo
Gratitute (originally posted 12/5/07)
I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last post. In fact, I have worked on a couple of different posts, but have failed to finish them. I hate posting without including a picture or two, but I'm going to have to make an exception. We have been so busy at our house, but I'm not quite sure with what. Thanksgiving has come and gone and I feel that I should take just a moment and write down some of the things I am thankful for. Family: I have a wonderful family, including a husband who puts up with my craziness and two beautiful children who are incredible.
Health: Luckily my family has not struggled with medical problems. We have been blessed with relatively good health. Beautiful Earth: We live in a great area where we can enjoy the mountains and outdoors in minutes. We spend a lot of time in the summer in the mountains hiking, camping and four-wheeling. Home: I am grateful to have a home to raise my children in. It isn't big or fancy, but it is a HOME. We had a great Thanksgiving with family (despite having our cabin broken into). We are so blessed to have my parents and in-laws living so close. The best part is we don't have to travel for the holidays and we get to be with ALL of our family. The day after Thanksgiving, my mom and I do the early morning craze and go shopping. We usually don't buy much, but it just seems like the thing to do. We are normally home early so we can head out Christmas tree hunting. We always head to the high country to find the perfect tree and it is always a lot of fun. We pack Thanksgiving leftovers and have a picnic once we find our tree. We decorated the tree as soon as we got it home. It turned out great. Madi helped hang the ornaments on the bottom of the tree and Gabe help tangle the lights. Madi and dad watched Polar Express (for the first time this season) and then cuddled on the couch and watched the Christmas tree lights. Madi is getting excited about Christmas.
Mike started the tradition of cutting down our own tree. He and his family always had cut their own tree and our family has continued that tradition. When we were first married I was reluctant, I wanted a perfectly shaped tree with the perfect decorations, but Mike insisted on cutting a tree. The first year I was a little disappointed, but each year the "fresh cut" Christmas tree grows. This year's tree is my favorite thus far.
Last night Gabe had his first hair cut. For some reason Mike has not wanted me to cut it. I'm not sure if he just liked the curls or didn't think I would do an adequate job. It's short (probably a little too short) but at least now he looks respectable.
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