Neighbors can be interesting. The lady that lives across the street from us is just that...interesting. She spends the entire summer spooning (she uses a spoon) to dig out the weeds from her yard. I'm not sure you can call it a yard though. When she is finished with a spot it is all dirt, except for the flowers that she waters and saves. Some of those flowers of course are weeds that bloom and she therefore considers them beautiful flowers that are worth saving.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The kids love to blow bubbles. Grandma Katholyn sent the kids home with four bottles of bubbles and they lasted about 30 minutes. They weren't just blowing bubbles, Gabe thought it was fun to dump the solution on the sidewalk. Needless to say the bubbles didn't last too long.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Here are the rules:
1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No.
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and asks. --and believe me, the temptation to explain some of these will be overwhelming nothing is exactly as it seems.
3. Tag some friends.
Been arrested? No
Kissed someone you didn't like? No
Slept in until 5 PM? no
Fallen asleep at work/school? yes
Held a snake? yes
Ran a red light? yes
Been suspended from school? No
Experienced love at first sight? yes
Totaled your car in an accident? No
Been fired from a job? no
Fired somebody? noS
ang karaoke? Yes
Pointed a gun at someone? No
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes
Kissed in the rain? Yes
Had a close brush with death (your own)? no
Seen someone die? no
Played spin-the-bottle? no
Sang in the shower? Yes
Smoked a cigar? No
Sat on a rooftop? yes
Smuggled something into another country? No
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? yes
Broken a bone? no
Skipped school? Yes
Eaten a bug? Yes
Sleepwalked? No
Walked a moonlit beach? no
Rode a motorcycle? yes
Dumped someone? Yes
Forgotten your anniversary? No
Lied to avoid a ticket? No
Ridden on a helicopter? No
Shaved your head? No
Played a prank on someone? Yes
Hit a home run? Yes
Felt like killing someone? Yes
Cross-dressed? no
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? no
Eaten snake? NO
Marched/Protested? no
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No
Puked on amusement ride? No
Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? no
Been in a band? no
Knitted? no
Been on TV? Yes
Shot a gun? Yes
Skinny-dipped? no
Caused someone to have stitches? no
Eaten a whole habenero pepper? yes
Ridden a surfboard? no
Had surgery? Yes
Streaked? No
Taken by ambulance to hospital? yes
Passed out when not drinking? no
Peed on a bush? yes
Donated Blood? Yes
Grabbed electric fence? no
Eaten alligator meat? yes
Eaten cheesecake? YES
Eaten your kids' Halloween candy? yes
Killed an animal when not hunting? No
Peed your pants in public? Yes
Snuck into a movie without paying? No
Written graffiti? No
Still love someone you shouldn't? No
Think about the future? Yes
Been in handcuffs? Yes
Believe in love? Yes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? Yes
Friday, June 5, 2009
Rusty and Jadin
This is such a sweet picture of Rusty and Jadin. I'm so happy for Rusty and Curtis. I know that they will be great parents. If Curtis can handle my sick kids with care all by himself and without complaint, I can only imagine how well he will treat his own. I can't wait until I can hold that little cupcake, give her kisses, and smell that sweet baby smell.
She's already camera shy.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
An afternoon at the cabin...
Sunday afternoon we went to the cabin for a picnic. It was nice to spend a little bit of time there. The snow is pretty much gone so the 'facilities' are available for use.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
See our garden grow....

Things are coming up nicely in the garden. I'm excited to watch the garden grow this year and hope to share some of the experience with you. This year's garden is almost three times the size as it was last year and I'm already wishing it was bigger. Call me crazy, but it's just so fun to work in the dirt.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Jadin Astrid Howell
I'm so excited to announce the arrival of Jadin Astrid Howell. She was born this morning at 2:35 a.m. I wish we lived closer so I could see her in person today, but am looking forward to seeing her soon. This picture is not very clear, it was taken with a cell phone camera, but it proves she's here.
I told Madi that Curtis and Rusty had their baby and named her Jadin. Her reply: "but mom that sounds like a boys name, so I will just have to name her cupcake". She has always wanted the baby's name to be cupcake.
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