Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Disgusting - I'm not sure if boys think this is attractive, but I am thoroughly disgusted. Today I saw this... several boys with their pants sinched below their BUTT, not half-way down, I said below their butt. I'm suprised I didn't see a pair slip down to their ankles. This isn't a very good picture, thank goodness, but it's what I captured on my cell phone. I should have taken the picture when they were at the cash register, reaching in their back pockets for their wallets. I'm serious when I say the tops of their pants were down to their knees; it's a miracle one of them didn't fall over, or loose their pants all together. I certainly hope that there aren't any girls out there who think this is cool or looks good. I prefer it when people keeps there underwear in their pants. "Under"wear, doesn't that mean it should be covered.


Anonymous said...

Since I was with you - I can attest it was pretty much not something I would care to see again. So hopefully this is a fad that will pass quickly.

Brianna said...

I totally agree with you on the undies showing. Totally dumb!!!On your other blogs, (I'm doing some catching up) your kids are getting so big, and they are so adorable. Madi is so witty, and Gabe, how fun! I'm going through the same thing with Katlin. We need to do some card making!!!